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5 Reasons You Have Poor Conversion Rate

Conversion is essential if we have a website that’s selling specific products. With good conversion rates, we could ensure that people are taking the appropriate actions. It means that they interact and make decisions properly, culminating to the actual buying decision. Unfortunately, not all website owners are able to see their potential mistakes. Here are some reasons we have poor conversion rate:

  1. Bad first impression: When people visit a website, they may find it hard to decipher what the website is all about. The main page should immediately inform users about what they are offering. Visitors should also be able to obtain the product easily if they want to purchase it. It is safer to not get too fancy, because random visitors may not be to privy to our sense of humor. We should try to dummy proof our website and try to create an overall logical flow. The website should tell people immediately what they would get.
  1. No call-to-action elements: Call-to-action elements are like trigger of the gun that propels users to do desired actions. Call-to-action is a strong instruction that encourage users to purchase a product, subscribe to a newsletter or simply re-visit our website in the future to check for the latest content. Call-to-action could be placed close to the purchase, subscribe or bookmark button. We should use action verbs to encourage users to make perform specific actions right now. There’s an inherent part of our brain that still wants to be given commands.
  1. Too many options: It is quite common to provide many instructions and options to users on the website. However, we could easily confuse users by giving them too much call-to-action elements and options. It is important to maintain an aesthetics streamlined design with buttons and images that stand out. People will hate it when they wonder what option to choose, especially if they don’t really know anything about them. Our brain wants a fast and easy direction, without overwhelming choices. We should also take objective looks at our website.
  1. Lackluster design: Website should be treated like a traditional, physical store. It means that we want people to hang around and stay longer. If they are not comfortable in our website, they will immediately move to the next competing store. Our website design should be provided in an enticing and inviting manner. It is obvious that people are comfortable in pretty places and they may be willing to pay top dollar for the same product, if it is sold in a luxurious place. Although our products are not geared towards people in the high-end market, it is still important to make sure people are comfortable with our website.
  1. Lack of transparency: Many people treat essential pages like About Us as afterthought. This happens because About Us pages are often boring and uninteresting. If we want to improve conversation rate, it is important to create an About Us page that provides plenty of information delivered in an interesting way.