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The Lone Freelancer: Building A 6-Figure Business Around Yourself

The Lone Freelancer: Building A 6-Figure Business Around Yourself

What I’m about to share with you is financial freedom, because at this point in the virtual realm, we’re all potential brands, media companies and startups. The tens of millions of Lone Freelancers out there sprinkled across the modern world know what I’m talking about. Here’s how to get it done in 4 steps:

Step #1: Stashing 10% into a Development Fund

After you read this article, set up a development fund for yourself. That is unless you’ve got roughly $4000 sitting around waiting to be invested. If not, set up a new bank account or whatever it takes where you can start funneling 10% of your earnings into. Here’s how it breaks down.

That won’t be the end of the investment. That’s just a basic wrap-up of what it takes to get started. Running a personal brand and a conventional web-company are incredibly similar is almost every respect.

Step #2: Gather a Team of Specialists

Once you’ve got the plan in hand you’re going to need to build a team. All through the development stage and afterwards you’re going to need to pay the rent and eat so you’ll be working. Therefore you need at least a competent virtual assistant (VA) and project manager to oversee things for you and funnel the work you need to worry about directly to you.

What kind of people will you need to depend on? This could include web designers/developers, graphic artists, content creators, a social media manager, your VA/project manager, an MBA, etc. Once your team is built, get your platform created.

Step #3: Build Your Platform around Your Personality

Not your skills! Unless you’ve got some extremely rare skill-set, then chances are tons of people can do what you can do. Whether that’s programming Apps, copywriting or SMM, SEO, etc. Seek to make your company a window into your own life. Let people see who you are. Expose yourself and be someone that folks want to work with! Your human personality is the most valuable asset you possess in the virtual world, both as an individual and a professional.

Step #4: Build Strategically & Incrementally

After the platform is constructed and your sales model/funnel is functioning properly it’s about slow and steady growth. Everything you do, as the brand owners, is branding you from this point onward. Focus on developing your platform/brand identity into something your ideal clients want to be involved with. It’s about human interpersonal engagement. Good luck!

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By Ali Asjad

Ali Asjad is a content strategist based in Stockholm, Sweden. He helps companies in vast and varied verticals be more successful and visible online. Circle him on Google+ to further the conversation.