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What to Consider while Choosing Magento Theme?

Magento is a powerful E-commerce platform, preferred by most leading business tycoons involved in E-business. Several online stores that were powered by Magento, has made tremendous progress on account of exciting features and advanced functionalities. But, features and functionalities are not sufficient to make your website successful. Your E-store should look attractive and eye-catching.

For this, you need to choose the right Magento theme or opt for Magento development service providers to assist you. As there are numerous Magento themes available in the market, you need to exercise precaution and choose a theme that leaves a long lasting impression on users. Here, we are discussing some useful points that will help you select the right theme for your business in an easy way:

1. Visually Attractive Theme

Visual effect matters a lot when you are operating an E-commerce website. If your website design is appealing and attractive, it creates enough curiosity among the consumers and they rush to your website. When a customer clicks on your website for the first time, the first impression he/she obtains about your site is very important for you.

Therefore, take your own time to look at the demo content and images of a theme you are willing to choose. Select a visually appealing theme which looks attractive and has the capability to leave long lasting impression on visitors.

2. User-friendly interface

Being stunning is not sufficient. A Magento theme must be clean and should have friendly interfaces to convince shoppers when they visit your E-store in search of products and services they need. A user-friendly interface covers a number of things, an auto-hide menu panel, a good navigation system, the sticky Shopping cart, a handy back-to-Top button and so on. In a nutshell, you should choose a Magento theme that could offer your shoppers the interactive feeling as far as possible.

3. Theme customization

While choosing a theme, you must check whether a theme has customization options or not because it will help you to personalize your site in an easy way. Even the most useful and beautiful E-commerce theme goes out of fashion once a season or a promotional campaign comes to an end.

If a choose a theme which has lots of customization features, you can customize the colors and layouts of your site from time-to-time and keep it up-to-date. It helps you save a lot of money, time and energy (compared to buying a new theme, installing it on your site and make necessary changes accordingly).

4. Availability of social channels

A strong presence on different social media channels is must to drive shoppers from social media to your site and generate leads. E-commerce companies with a strong social media presence perform a lot batter than those business firms who don’t have their existence on social media channels.

Therefore, a good Magento theme must come with social settings so that tech-savvy people can get updated about your products and services at the blink of an aye and share your social media post with their friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. Apart from this, look whether the theme has important social media update features (such as latest tweets from your Twitter account and updates from fan pages, etc) or not.

5. Built with New Technologies

While choosing a theme for your Magento store, you must check different themes and find out whether they are built with the newest technologies ( such as CSS3, HTML5, Font Awesome 4, Bootstrap 3 and SASS) or not because these technologies help you to cultivate varieties in your site. They also help your site to work smoothly and perform as expected.

5. Cross Browser Compatibility

Online shoppers visit your website by making use of different browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, UC, Internet Explorer, Dolphin, Opera, etc. It is possible that the theme you have chosen might not work well with some browsers. In this case, it will damage your business in the long run. To avoid this, check browser compatibility of the theme you are choosing. It is extremely important for your theme to work properly on all leading web browsers.

6. Support for Magento modules

When you operate an E-commerce shop, you have to use Magento modules and extensions in order to improve the functionalities and performance of your site and boom your sales up to a great extent. Therefore, you must choose a theme which supports all leading Magento extensions easily.

7. Support for Multiple Languages

Although, English is a globally accepted language and most of the websites rely on English to reach out all countries and populations, but there are millions of shoppers around the world who love to visit an E-commerce website available in their native language (other than English). If you want to make your site accessible to the global market, you need to choose a theme which supports various languages.

8. SEO-friendly Features

If you expect a higher level of traffic to your site, you need to optimize your site properly with the latest practices of SEO. As per the guidelines of Google & other leading search engines, a website should have engaging contents, user-friendly design and layout, visual appeal, strong social media presence, etc to rank high in their search index.

There are many sites which fail to perform because they don’t abide by the standard SEO practices. To make the SEO task easier for you, there are numerous Magento themes, which are built-in with amazing SEO-friendly features and have clear and structured HTML/CSS coding. Keep all these things in mind while choosing a Magento theme as it will help you to rank your site top in Google and other search engines and propagate more business opportunities.

9. Search For The Availability Of Ad Spaces:

If you want to promote your business, you need to advertise it aggressively. While choosing a theme, just check whether the theme supports ad and banner spaces or not. If you place ads on your site, you can attract more people to your site and can snatch more business from them. Developing attractive banners and sliders play a greater role behind the success of sales campaign. Therefore, while choosing a theme, check it has enough space to perform promotional activities.

10. Regular Upgrades

While choosing a Magento theme, just check whether the seller of the theme is offering support and upgrades on not. It is extremely important because you need to upgrade the version of your Magento website at regular intervals in order to make your site trendy and modern.

Precaution: Choose a theme which is free from bugs and is perfectly coded. Also consider backend support and hidden links as important points while selecting a theme for your Magento E-store.


Because of the availability of a lot of Mageto themes, choosing the right theme for your website is really a complicated task. But, if you keep following points in mind, you can easily select a theme which is perfect for your site and helps you grow your E-business rapidly.